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Diwali is the best time of the year for us Indians. It is that time of the year when we light up our homes and share the festive spirit with our loved ones. It is also the best time for shopping!!

Brands often use this season to promote their sales by coming up with the most creative and innovative ad campaigns. With the fierce competition in the eTailing space, it is only natural for them to strive hard to gather the attention of their customers. Year after year, we see exceptional campaigns, from some of the leading ecommerce brands, to make the best use of the available digital mediums. This year most of the brands tried to leverage their business through social media campaigns that helped them to reach a wider audience. The ads primarily focussed on sensitive social issues and tried to send a message in a subtle way, while boosting sales both online and over the counter.

Here is a list of some of the best ad campaigns of Diwali 2016 which caught our attention in no particular order:


PepperFry.com has come up with a unique marketing campaign for Diwali, 2017 called #Changeforthebetter. The brand has come up with a series of videos that showed the social divide among people and how this occasion could help them to bridge this gap. The brand tried to act as a social catalyst by requesting people to show an act of kindness this Diwali that could help them to improve their interpersonal skills.

The best part of the campaign were the coasters sent out with every purchase. They were paper coasters with small seeds embedded in them. One can plant these coasters and sprout the plants. Now, what could have been better than that?

Best Social Media campaigns of Diwali 2016

Source: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=pepperfry%20%23changeforthebetter


Amazon began its #AdjustNoMore campaign from July, 2017 onwards, with a series of videos. The latest one shows a hardworking father and how his daughter tricks him in buying a mobile phone for himself. The campaign focuses on the hardworking middle class of Indians who adjust while trying to fulfil the desires of their dear ones.

Best Social Media campaigns of Diwali 2016

Source: https://www.facebook.com/AmazonIN/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf

The brand also came up with its Great Indian Festival just a week before Diwali, with some amazing offers. They also offered special discounts for customers who sopped with the Amazon App.


This year Snapdeal came up with a heart touching Diwali campaign called #CelebrateDiwaliHeroes. The brand subtly promoted the fact that we must use this festive season to add smiles to those people who truly make a Happy Diwali for us. The series of Facebook posts showed Army officers, Chefs, Doctors and Fire Fighters for whom Diwali is just another day at work. They also came up with their #UnboxDiwaliSale with some amazing offers.

Best Social Media campaigns of Diwali 2016

Source:  https://bit.ly/SD-DiwaliHeroes

Ebay India

Now, we do not have enough words to describe this heart melting campaign. At times when we are constantly judging and being judged, this ad campaign came up with a simple fact that the 10 crore products sold on ebay are the ones that do not judge us. This campaign comes with a heart melting video that shows a young man dancing with ghungroos, a girl who walks past other girls who look modern, a Muslim woman who lights a diya on Diwali, a gay couple who propose to each other, that guy who loves to pout in his selfie and an old woman who loves skipping.

According to Shivani Suri, Director Marketing, Ebay India, this ad is not just to promote sales but to promote conversations and drive conversational commerce.

Best Social Media campaigns of Diwali 2016

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ebaydotin/

Diwali 2016 has been a wonderful event for most of the brands. While trying to focus on sales, these brands also tried to send a subtle message to the customers asking them to add a little sparkle in the lives of people around them.

We look forward for a more scintillating and eventful Christmas and New Year ads!



Hey there! I'm Prachi. I've always welcomed diverse experiences that have shaped my adaptability and broadened my perspective. Here, I share insights from my ongoing learnings in eCommerce, aiming to spark ideas and conversations. In my free time, you’ll find me volunteering with my crisis response dog or trekking in the high mountains. There really is no limit to how much we can explore, learn, and grow!