Launching a Merchandise Store for Swiggy’s Delivery Executives

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Client Overview

Swiggy, a leading food delivery platform, aimed to equip its 1 million delivery executives with a dedicated merchandise store.

The Challenge

Swiggy required a fast-tracked launch of a merchandise store integrated with their existing systems:

  • Single Sign-On: Easy login via the Swiggy Delivery App.
  • Customized Pricing: Tailored pricing based on delivery executives’ tier and location.
  • Payment Integration: Wallet account and Payment Gateway integration.
  • System Integration: Active directory, app integration, and linkage to multiple warehouses.

Tenovia’s Approach

Utilizing Shopify Plus’ features, we implemented:

  • Shopify Plus’ Multipass System: Integrated with Active Directory for secure Single Sign-On, maintaining 100% personal data privacy.
  • API Integration: Utilized 7 APIs for personalized user experiences based on tier, location, and pricing.
  • Order and Warehouse Management: Integrated across national warehouses for logistics coordination. 
  • Extensible Checkout: Aligning payment gateways, and customizing checkout flows.

The Impact

  • Launched within 30 days, fully integrated with the Swiggy Delivery App.
  • Solution catered to a massive 1 million delivery executives.
  • Used 7 APIs to boost functionality and personalization.

Key Shopify Plus’ Features Used

  • Multipass / Single Sign-On Login
  • Metafields for customized product details
  • Extensible Checkout for smooth payment processing


The case study highlights Tenovia’s valuable partnership with Shopify Plus, which enabled the delivery of solutions while adhering to their client’s strict timelines and operational standards.

Transitioning a traditional offline business to online with effective UI/UX

Tenovia recently worked with an ethnic fashion brand that offers a wide range of high-quality sarees, connecting traditional artisans to consumers across the country. The apparel brand is a leading saree distributor based in Maharashtra and well-established across Western India. 

Currently, they have an attractive and user-friendly website that provides a seamless online shopping experience for traditional handlooms from all over India. 

Their challenge: Making the move from offline to online 

The brand is a traditional family business, with four large offline stores that serve both B2B and B2C customers. They did not have an online store until recently, which was created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since luxury and apparel businesses suffered great losses in the past few years, having an online presence became imperative.  

Tenovia then began working closely with them to develop a sustainable ecommerce infrastructure and architecture, which proved to be a significant challenge given the short turnaround time. We accelerated our prototyping and iterating processes, keeping in mind the feedback recorded from various stakeholders as well as customers and focus groups. 

Our execution: Outlining 8 essential project goals

The results: Boosting traffic and conversions 

In just one month, our UI/UX interventions translated into: