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Understanding consumer behavior to improve sales

As markets evolve, so do consumers. With changing business trends, buyer behaviors also change which ultimately affect sales and revenue. Unlike earlier, the sole determining factor for buyers to make a purchase decision does not limit to the price-point but extends to more intangible ones.

The key factors behind shifting consumer behaviors:

Evolving online trends:

With evolving online trends, consumers look at ‘buying activity’ differently. Widespread social conversations, reviews, and an array of digital channels lead to more ‘informed buying decisions’. Also, being better connected to their favorite brands increases brand loyalty.

Cultural elements:

Even though their purchase technique and choice of products are different for the digitally savvy consumer, their decision is largely influenced by their society, social class, and its respective cultural elements. The cultural and social influences go hand-in-hand to define a consumer’s behavior. A classic instance of such behavior is how family habits and practices influence people. For example, if a family has had a ritual of buying precious jewelry on major festival days, the children tend to continue the practice, as a subconscious habit.

Personal preferences:

The personal preferences of millennial buyers largely impact their buying decisions. General demographics like age, occupation, and personality will determine what they are more inclined to buy and how. Also, since the modern lifestyle keeps radically changing, the consumer behavior also becomes more volatile. For instance, a sudden rise or drop in an individual’s annual income can change their preference in clothes, accessories, mode of travel, and even accommodation.

Psychological factors:

Lastly, psychology plays a significant role in defining a consumer’s behavior. As a marketer, to be able to successfully position your brand as a solution to your buyer’s need/s, you need to extract from their behavioral study which explains what they buy and how. Sentiments like needs, beliefs, attention, perception, and attitude can become motivational factors that drive the ultimate purchase decision of an individual.

The millennial consumer has more know-how and better connect with brands, and hence, is more perceptive and adept at assessing the brand value. This requires brand owners to have an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior and take a more customer-centric approach to drive sales.




Hey there! I'm Prachi. I've always welcomed diverse experiences that have shaped my adaptability and broadened my perspective. Here, I share insights from my ongoing learnings in eCommerce, aiming to spark ideas and conversations. In my free time, you’ll find me volunteering with my crisis response dog or trekking in the high mountains. There really is no limit to how much we can explore, learn, and grow!
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